Review: James C. Vanderkam, The Book of Jubilees |
Nickelsburg, George W. E. |
1 995 |
Review: Gregory E. Sterling, Historiography and Self-Definition: Josephos, Luke—Acts and Apologetic Historiography |
Pervo, Richard I. |
1 995 |
Review: Lawrence H. Schiffman, The Eschatological Community of the Dead Sea Scrolls. A Study of the Rule of Congregation |
Reeves, John C. |
1 995 |
The Half-Shekel Offering in Biblical and Post-Biblical Literature |
Liver, Jacob |
1 963 |
Review: Lawrence H. Schiffman (ed.), Archaeology and History in the Dead Sea Scrolls: The New York University Conference in Memory of Yigael Yadin |
Goranson, Stephen |
1 995 |
Review: Rachel Hachlili, Ancient Jewish Art and Archaeology in the Land of Israel |
Fine, Steven |
1 995 |
Review: Lester L. Grabbe, Judaism from Cyrus to Hadrian, Vol. 1: The Persian and Greek Periods, Vol. 2: The Roman Period |
Bergren, Theodore A. |
1 995 |
On Taming Tamar: Amram's Rhetoric and Women's Roles in Pseudo-Philo's Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum 9 |
Polaski, Donald C. |
1 995 |
The Coincidences of the Emmaus Narrative of Luke and the Testimonium of Josephus |
Goldberg, Gary J. |
1 995 |
The Social Setting of Ancient Apocalypticism: A Question of Method |
Sim, David C. |
1 995 |
The Factor of Function in Defining Jewish Apocalyptic Literature |
Sappington, Thomas J. |
1 994 |
The Seven Pillars of the World: Ideal Figure Lists in the Christology of the Pseudo-Clementines |
Gieschen, Charles A. |
1 994 |
The Gedaliah Episode and its Sequels in Josephus |
Begg, Christopher |
1 994 |
The Psalms of Solomon in Recent Research |
Trafton, Joseph L. |
1 994 |
Compassion for the Lowly in Septuagint Proverbs |
Giese, Ronald L. |
1 993 |
The Discovery of the Words of Gad the Seer |
Bar-Ilan, Meir |
1 993 |
Recovering the Original Sequence of 1 Enoch 91-93 |
Olson, Daniel C. |
1 993 |
Biblical Women's Names in the Apocryphal Traditions |
Ilan, Tai |
1 993 |
Predictions of the Destruction of the Herodian Temple in the Pseudepigrapha, Qumran Scrolls, and Related Texts |
Evans, Craig A. |
1 992 |
How Did the Rule of the Community Obtain its Final Shape? A Review of Scholarly Research |
Gagnon, Robert A. |
1 992 |
Reitzenstein and Qumrân Revisited by an Iranian |
Frye, Richard N. |
1 962 |
Some Remarks on the Apocryphal Psalm 155 (11QPs Column 24) |
Qimron, Elisha |
1 992 |
Bibliography on 4QTgLev (4Q156) |
Stuckenbruck, Loren T. |
1 992 |
The Laws of the Prophets in the Sect of the Judaean Desert: Studies in 4Q375 |
Brin, Gershon |
1 992 |
Towards a New Edition of the Genesis Apocryphon |
Qimron, Elisha |
1 992 |
The Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project |
Charlesworth, James H. |
1 992 |
Review: Emanuel Tov, The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal Hever (8HevXIIgr) |
VanderKam, James C. |
1 991 |
Review: Arthur Everett Sekki, The Meaning of Ruah at Qumran |
Reeves, John C. |
1 991 |
Review: Michael E. Stone, Fourth Ezra |
Wilson, J. Christian |
1 991 |
Pseudo-Philo's Song of Hannah: Testament of a Mother in Israel |
Cook, Joan E. |
1 991 |