Introduction (Paraleipomena Jeremiae) |
Schaller, Berndt, van Henten, Jan Willem |
2 000 |
Moses' Exaltation: Pre-Christian? |
Van de Water, Rick |
2 000 |
Nero Redivivus Demolished: The Coherence of the Nero Traditions in the Sibylline Oracles |
van Helten, Jan Willem |
2 000 |
The Fallen Watchers and the Disciples in Mark |
Strelan, Rick |
1 999 |
Pseudo-Jonathan and Economics for Priests |
Mortensen, Beverly |
1 999 |
The Colophon to Codex Neofiti 1 |
McNamara, Martin |
1 999 |
Pesher Habakkuk and the Targum of Jonathan Ben Uzziel |
Wood, Marcus |
1 999 |
From Poetry to Historiography: the Image of the Hasmoneans in Targum Canticles and the Question of the Targum's Provenance and Date |
Alexander, Phillip S. |
1 999 |
The Priestly Blessing in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan |
Hayward, Robert |
1 999 |
Is Targum Onqelos a Palestinian Targum? The Evidence of Genesis 28-50 |
Flesher, Paul V. M. |
1 999 |
The Derivative Meaning of the Particle בית in Compound Constructions in the Targum |
Grossfeld, Bernard |
1 999 |
'Converse Translation' in the Targums and Beyond |
Gordon, Robert P. |
1 999 |
The Wonders of the End-Time Metaphoric Language in 4Q521 and the Interpretation of Matthew 11.5 Par |
Kvalbein, Hans |
1 998 |
Methodological Considerations in Pentateuchal Targumic Research |
Golomb, David M. |
1 998 |
The Abode of the Blessed: a Source of the Story of Zosimus? |
Knights, Chris H. |
1 998 |
The Ascension of Isaiah: an Example of Early Christian Narrative Polemic |
Carey, Greg |
1 998 |
At the Hands of a Woman: Rewriting Jael in Pseudo-Philo |
Bumette-Bletsch, Rhonda |
1 998 |
Scripture Shaping Scripture: the Interpretive Role of Biblical Citations in Pseudo-Philo's Episode of the Golden Calf |
Fisk, Bruce Norman |
1 998 |
Review: Maxwell J. Davidson, Angels at Qumran: A Comparative Study of 1 Enoch 1-36, 72-108 and Sectarian Writings from Qumran |
Brooke, George J. |
1 997 |
2 Esdras 1.11 and the Destruction of Bethsaida |
Stickert, Fred |
1 997 |
Why Are These Women Here? An Examination of the Sociological Setting of Pseudo-Philo through Comparative Reading |
DesCamp, Mary Therese |
1 997 |
Reflections on Jews in Graeco-Roman Literature |
Feldman, Louis H. |
1 997 |
A Note on Targum 2 Samuel 5.8 and Jesus' Ministry to the 'Maimed, Halt, and Blind' |
Evans, Craig A. |
1 997 |
A Century of Research into the Story/Apocalypse of Zosimus and/or the History of the Rechabites |
Knights, Chris H. |
1 997 |
Pseudepigrapha and Medieval Illustrated Manuscripts of the Septuagint: Prolegomenous Reflections |
Bernabò, Massimo |
1 996 |
Jesus' Parable of the Tenant Farmers in Light of Lease Agreements in Antiquity |
Evans, Craig A. |
1 996 |
Ur of the Chaldees in Pseudo-Eupolemus |
Bowley, James E. |
1 996 |
Traditions Common to the Primary Adam and Eve Books and on the Origin of the World (NHC 2.5) |
Trumbover, Jeffrey A. |
1 996 |
The Physical Features of the Antichrist |
Ford, J. Massyngbaerde |
1 996 |
According to whose law? Aristobulus, Galilee and the 'Nomoi Ton Ioudaion' |
Adam, A. K. M. |
1 996 |