Verse(s) (Hebrew Bible)

Use a caret (^) to designate a range of verses.

Chapter(s) (Hebrew Bible)

Use a caret (^) to designate a range of chapters.

Hebrew Bible

  • Use this search field in order to find discussions of specific verses, passages, or books of the Hebrew bible (Tanakh).
  • Note: HB writings are not searchable through the keyword search.

    Passage (Primary Texts: Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha)

    • Use a caret (^) to designate a range of chapters or lines.
    • Note: verse numbers are not specified. Line numbers are only specified for works without chapter divisions.

    Composition / Author (Primary Texts: Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha)

    If you cannot find a certain work, please consult the Compositions & Authors category in the Keyword search.

    Primary Texts: Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha

    • Use this search field in order to find discussions of specific passages from pseudepigraphal or apocryphal compositions.
    • The works of Philo and Flavius Josephus, rabbinic literature, the New Testament and early Christian writings may be searched through the Keyword Search.
    • For general discussions of a composition as a whole, use the Keyword search.

      Passage (Primary Texts: Judean Desert Documents)

      • Use Arabic numerals for fragment or major column number, and small Latin numerals for minor columns (e.g., 1QS col. 3, 4Q416 frg. 23 iv)
      • Use a caret (^) to designate a range of fragments or major columns.
      • Note: line numbers are usually not specified, except for 4QMMT.

      Section Type (Primary Texts: Judean Desert Documents)

      Choose "Fragment" or "Column". If the composition does not consist of fragments or columns, choose "none."

      Scroll / Document (Primary Texts: Judean Desert Documents)

      • This rubric refers to the numerical designation of the scroll, e.g. 1Q20 (NOT 1QapGen or Genesis Apocryphon).
      • However, The following compositions do not have a numerical designation: 1QIsa a, 1QIsa b, 1QH a, 1QM, 1QpHab, 1QS, 1QSa, 1QSb, 4QMMT, CD.
      • To find the siglum of a scroll, look up the scroll name in the Keyword search.


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