Su di una norma matrimoniale 4QD |
Tosato, Angelo |
1 993 |
Book Review: The Rule of Qumran and Its Meaning by A. R. C. Leaney |
Meeks, Wayne A. |
1 966 |
Book Review: Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, Vol. 9 by Louis H. Feldman |
Enslin, Morton S. |
1 966 |
A Preliminary Publication of a Jubilees Manuscript from Qumran Cave 4: 4QJub d (4Q219) |
VanderKam, James C., Milik, Józef Tadeusz |
1 992 |
Review: Die älteste Evangelien-Handschrift? Das Markus-Fragment von Qumran und die Anfänge der schriftlichen Überlieferung des Neuen Testaments by C. P. Thiede |
Daris, Sergio |
1 987 |
Book Review: The Dead Sea Scrolls by Menahem Mansoor |
Priest, John |
1 965 |
Book Review: Das Heil Gottes: Heils- und Südenbegriffe in den Qumrantexten und im Neuen Testament by Jürgen Becker |
Betz, Otto |
1 965 |
Die älteste Evangelien-Handschrift?: das Markus-Fragment von Qumran und die Anfänge der schriftlichen Überlieferung des Neuen Testaments |
Thiede, Carsten Peter |
1 986 |
Review: Additions or Omissions in the Books of Samuel. The Significant Pluses and Minuses in the Massoretic, LXX and Qumran Texts (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 57) by Stephen Pisano |
Stoebe, Hans-Joachim |
1 986 |
Book Review: The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic by D. S. Russell |
Childs, Brevard S. |
1 965 |
אבלי ציון הקראים בתקופת הגאונים והשיעה: הדומה והשונה בפירוש כתבי הקודש |
Erder, Yoram |
2 018 |
Review: Gaster, Theodor H.: The Dead Sea Scriptures |
Priest, John |
1 964 |
Book Review: From Moses to Qumran by H. H. Rowley |
Pope, Marvin |
1 964 |
Review: Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period. Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Qumran Sectarian Writings, Philo, Josephus (Compendia Rerum Judaicarum ad Novum Testamentum, Section Two, Vol. II) by Michael E. Stone |
Franxman, Thomas W. |
1 986 |
Paul and Apocalyptic Judaism |
Bronson, David B. |
1 964 |
Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period: Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Qumran Sectarian Writings, Philo, Josephus |
Stone, Michael E. |
1 984 |
The Sadducees and the Belief in Angels |
Zeitlin, Solomon |
1 964 |
The Eschatology of the Dead Sea Scrolls |
Price, J. Randall |
2 016 |
The Sadducees and the Belief in Angels |
Bamberger, Bernard J. |
1 963 |
Apocalypticism in the Homiletic Text of Pesiqta Rabbati: Catastrophic Events at the End of Time |
Ulmer, Rivka |
2 019 |
Book Review: The Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness by Yigael Yadin, Batya Rabin, Chaim Rabin |
Pope, Marvin |
1 963 |
Review: Die aramäischen Texte vom Toten Meer samt den Inschriften aus Palästina, dem Testament Levis aus Kairoer Genisa, der Fastenrolle und den alten talmudischen Zitaten by Klaus Beyer |
Franxman, Thomas W. |
1 986 |
Book Review: The Judean Scrolls and Karaism by Naphtali Wieder |
Nemoy, Leon |
1 963 |
Cosmological Reference in the Qumran Doctrine of the Two Spirits and in Old Testament Imagery |
May, Herbert G. |
1 963 |
Book Review: Greek Influence in Jewish Eschatology by T. Francis Glasson; The Significance of Saton by Trevor Ling |
Reumann, John |
1 962 |
Review: The Dawn of Qumran: The Sectarian Torah and the Teacher of Righteousness (Monographs of the Hebrew Union College 8) by B. Z. Wacholder |
García Martínez, Florentino |
1 985 |
7Q — Eine Rückkehr zu den neutestamentlichen Papyrusfragmenten in der siebten Höhle von Qumran |
Thiede, Carsten Peter |
1 984 |
Book Review: Die essenischen Schriften vom Toten Meer by A. Dupont-Sommer, W. W. Müller |
Childs, Brevard S. |
1 962 |
Book Review: Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls: In Memory of E. L. Sukenik by C. Rabin, Y. Yadin, J. Licht |
Pope, Marvin |
1 962 |
Book Review: The Dead Sea Community: Its Origin and Teachings by Kurt Schubert, John W. Doberstein; The Monks of Qumran as Depicted in the Dead Sea Scrolls by Edmund F. Sutcliffe |
Brownlee, William Hugh |
1 961 |