Review: Eschatologie und Jenseitserwartung im hellenistischen Diasporajudentum by Ulrich Fischer |
Harrington, Daniel J. |
1 980 |
Review: Die griechische Daniel-Diegese: Eine altkirchliche Apokalypse: Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar by Klaus Berger |
Stone, Michael E. |
1 979 |
Review: Responsibility for Evil in the Theodicy of IV Ezra by Alden Lloyd Thompson |
Charlesworth, James A. |
1 979 |
Review: Rezeptionsgeschichtliche und textkritische Untersuchungen zu Flavius Josephus by Heinz Schreckenberg |
Bomstad, Roland G. |
1 979 |
Review: Apocalypsis Esdrae, Apocalypsis Sedrach, Visio Beati Esdrae by Otto Wahl |
Collins, John J. |
1 978 |
Review: The Interpretation of Biblical History in the ANTIQUITATES JUDAICAE of Flavius Josephus by Harold W. Attridge |
Moehring, Horst R. |
1 978 |
Review: The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumrân Cave 4 by J. T. Milik, Matthew Black |
Sanders, James A. |
1 978 |
Review: Qoumrân: L'établissement essénien des bords de la Mer Morte. Histoire et archéologie du site by E. -M. Laperrousaz |
VanderKam, James C. |
1 978 |
A Hellenistic Egyptian Parallel to Ben Sira |
Sanders, Jack T. |
1 978 |
Review: The Intermediary World and Patterns of Perfection in Philo and Hebrews by Lala Kalyan Kumar Dey |
Mack, Burton L. |
1 977 |
The Life Spans of Joseph and Enoch and the Paralellism: šib˓ātayim- šib'˓îm wӗšib˓'āh |
Gevirtz, Stanley |
1 977 |
Apocalyptic and Myth in 1 Enoch 6-11 |
Nickelsburg, George William Elmer |
1 977 |
Review: The Severus Scroll and 1QIsa by Jonathan Paul Siegel |
Schiffman, Lawrence H. |
1 977 |
Rebellion in Heaven, Azazel, and Euhemeristic Heroes in 1 Enoch 6-11 |
Hanson, Paul |
1 977 |
Einige Bemerkungen Zu M. F. Collins, "The Hidden Vessels in Samaritan Traditions" |
Zeron, Alexander |
1 973 |
The Martyrdom of Phineas-Elijah |
Zeron, Alexander |
1 979 |
Lista de MSS procedentes de Qumrán |
García Martínez, Florentino |
1 989 |
The Development of the Jewish Scripts |
Cross, Frank Moore |
1 961 |
Die Weisheit der Sibylle. Ein kritischer Beitrag |
Schleifer, J. |
1 910 |
Reviewe: A Complete Concordance to Flavius Josephus by Karl Heinrich Rengstorf, Bernhard Justus, George W. E. Nickelsburg, Heinz Schreckenberg, Jürgen Schwark |
Weiler, William L., Feldman, Louis H. |
1 977 |
Remarques sur le graffito phénicien en caractères grecs de la grotte de Wasta |
Sznycer, Maurice |
1 958 |
Review: The Book of Baruch: Also Called I Baruch (Greek and Hebrew) by Emanuel Tov |
Harrington, Daniel J. |
1 977 |
Was There a Migration to Damascus? The Problem of שבי ישראל |
Iwry, Samuel |
1 969 |
Review: Il problema della teodicea in Ben Sira: Composizione dei contrari e richiamo alle origini by Gian Luigi Prato |
Moriarty, Frederick L. |
1 977 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls - A Quarter Century of Study |
Sanders, James A. |
1 973 |
Review: Northwest Semitic Philology and the Hebrew Fragments of Ben Sira by Tadeusz Penar |
Collins, John J. |
1 977 |
Thallos, Phlégon et le Testimonium Flavianum témoins de Jésus? |
Prigent, Pierre |
1 978 |
Review: The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for Study by Joseph A. Fitzmyer |
La Sor, William Sanford |
1 976 |
Review: I and II Esdras: Introduction, Translation and Commentary by Jacob M. Myers |
Richards, Kent Harold |
1 976 |
Review: Los papiros griegos de la cueva 7 de Qumrân by José O'Callaghan |
Fitzmyer, Joseph A. |
1 976 |