Das Heil Gottes: Heils- und Südenbegriffe in den Qumrantexten und im Neuen Testament |
Becker, Jürgen |
1 964 |
The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic |
Russell, David Syme |
1 964 |
The Dead Sea Scriptures |
Gaster, Theodor H. |
1 956 |
From Moses to Qumran |
Rowley, Harold Henry |
1 963 |
The Judean scrolls and Karaism : a reproduction of the first edition with addenda, corrigenda and supplementary articles |
Wieder, Naphtali |
2 005 |
Greek influence in Jewish eschatology; with special reference to the apocalypses and pseudepigraphs |
Glasson, Francis Thomas |
1 961 |
Die essenischen Schriften vom Toten Meer |
Dupont-Sommer, André |
1 960 |
Meḥḳarim ba-megilot ha-genuzot : sefer zikaron le-Eliʻezer Lipa Suḳeniḳ |
Rabin, Chaim |
1 961 |
The Dead Sea community; its origin and teachings |
Schubert, Kurt |
1 959 |
The Scrolls and Christian Origins: Studies in the Jewish Background of the New Testament |
Black, Matthew |
1 983 |
הלשון והרקע הלשוני של מגילת ישעיהו השלמה ממגילות ים המלח [מאת] (The Language and Linguistic Background of the Isaiah Scroll) |
יחזקאל קוטשר (Eduard Yechezkel Kutscher) |
1 979 |
Bibliography of the Dead Sea Scrolls 1948-1957 |
LaSor, William Sanford |
1 958 |
Biblical Exegesis in the Qumran Texts |
Bruce, Frederick Fyvie |
1 959 |
The scribal character of the Dead Sea scrolls |
Malachi, Martin |
1 958 |
The Apocrypha of the Old Testament |
Metzger, Bruce Manning |
1 965 |
Jewish symbols in the Greco-Roman period: Volume 4. The problem of method : symbols from Jewish cult |
Goodenough, Erwin R. |
1 954 |
De Rol der lofprijzingen : een der Dode Zee-rollen vertaald en toegelicht |
Selms, Adrianus van |
1 957 |
Dødehavsrullene : funnene som kaster nytt lys over Bibelen og Jesu samtid |
Kapelrud, Arvid Schou |
1 956 |
The Scrolls from the Dead Sea |
Wilson, Edmund |
1 955 |
Studien zum Habakuk-Kommentar vom Toten Meer |
Elliger, Karl |
1 953 |
The Zadokite fragments and the Dead Sea scrolls |
Rowley, Harold Henry |
1 952 |
Old Testament apocalyptic : its origins and growth |
Frost, Stanley Brice |
1 952 |
The Qumrân (Dead Sea) Scrolls and Palaeography |
Birnbaum, Salomo A |
1 952 |
Pseudo-Philo's Liber antiquitatum biblicarum |
Kisch, Guido |
1 949 |
Review: Antoni Tornina, Apokryficzne Ksiegi Barucha (Bar 2-4) |
Dlugosz, Dariusz |
2 018 |
Review: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Liber Genesis, Liber Jesaiae, Liber XII Prophetarum, Liber Pslamorum |
Kapera, Zdzislaw Jan |
2 018 |
Review: Wolfgang Kraus, Michaël van der Meer, Martin Meiser (eds.), XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies |
Mäkipelto, Ville |
2 019 |
Review: Rupschus, Nicole, Frauen in Qumran |
Loader, William |
2 019 |
Dualism and Scripture in the Temptation Narrative and Jewish Tradition |
Hogeterp, Albert |
2 018 |
Light Shed from the Dead Sea Scrolls on Jesus' Baptism and Temptation, and His Victory over Satan |
Grappe, Christian |
2 018 |