Review: Rachel Bar-Natan, Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho: Final Reports of the 1973-1987 Excavations. Volume III: The Pottery , 2002 |
Magness, Jodi |
2 003 |
The Great Qumran Quandary |
Magness, Jodi |
2 003 |
Why Scroll Jars? |
Magness, Jodi |
2 004 |
Debating Qumran: Collected Essays on its Archaeology |
Magness, Jodi |
2 004 |
Review: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Qumran in Context: Reassessing the Archaeological Evidence |
Magness, Jodi |
2 005 |
Review: J.-B. Humbert and A. Chambon, The Excavations of Khirbet Qumran and Ain Feshka: Synthesis of Roland de Vaux's Field Notes , tr. and rev. by Stephen J. Pfann |
Magness, Jodi |
2 006 |
Review: R. Hachlili, Jewish Funerary Customs Practices and Rites in the Second Temple Period |
Magness, Jodi |
2 006 |
A Final Response to Stacey |
Magness, Jodi |
2 007 |
A Response to D. Stacey, 'Some Archaeological Observations on the Aqueducts of Qumran' |
Magness, Jodi |
2 007 |
Qumran |
Magness, Jodi |
2 009 |
Did the Qumran Sectarians Fast on Weekdays or on the Sabbath? |
Magness, Jodi |
2 009 |
Methods and Theories in the Archaeology of Qumran |
Magness, Jodi |
2 010 |
Scrolls and Hand Impurity |
Magness, Jodi |
2 010 |
Dogs and Chickens at Qumran |
Magness, Jodi |
2 011 |
Sectarianism before and After 70 CE |
Magness, Jodi |
2 012 |
Disposing of the Dead: An Illustration of the Intersection of Archaeology and Text |
Magness, Jodi |
2 012 |
Jewish Interpretation of the Bible |
Magonet, Jonathan |
2 006 |
Qumran a lo gnosticismo |
Magris, Aldo |
1 997 |
The Dead Sea Scrolls in Popular Culture: 'I can give you no idea of the contents' |
Mahan, Jeffrey H. |
2 005 |
Review: Michael Fishbane and Emanuel Tov, eds., 'Shaarei Talmon': Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and the Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talmon |
Maidman, M. P. |
1 995 |
Review: Bilhah Nitzan, Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry |
Maier, Johann |
1 995 |
Review: Dwight D. Swanson, The Temple Scroll and the Bible: The Methodology of 11QT, STDJ |
Maier, Johann |
1 995 |
The Judaic System of the Dead Sea Scrolls |
Maier, Johann |
1 995 |
Review: James C. VanderKam, The Dead Sea Scrolls Today |
Maier, Johann |
1 996 |
Der Lehrer der Gerechtigkeit |
Maier, Johann |
1 996 |
Entre los dos Testamentos: Historia y Religión en la época del Segundo Templo |
Maier, Johann |
1 996 |
La Torah di purità nel Levitico e sua trattazione nella letteratura giudaica del periodo del Secondo Tempio e nei primi secoli cristiani |
Maier, Johann |
1 996 |
Early Jewish Biblical Interpretation in the Qumran Literature |
Maier, Johann |
1 996 |
Review: Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Responses to 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls |
Maier, Johann |
1 996 |
Messias oder Gesalbter? Zu einem übersetzungs und Deutungsproblem in den Qumrantexten |
Maier, Johann |
1 996 |