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Review: Andrew Perrin, The Dynamics of Dream-Vision Revelation in the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Tue, 04/05/2021 - 13:15
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about Review: Andrew Perrin, The Dynamics of Dream-Vision Revelation in the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls
Review: Dorota Hartman, Archivio di Babatha. Vol. 1: Testi greci e ketubbah
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Tue, 04/05/2021 - 13:11
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about Review: Dorota Hartman, Archivio di Babatha. Vol. 1: Testi greci e ketubbah
Review: Hindy Najman, Jean-Sébastien Rey, Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar (eds.), Tracing Sapiential Traditions in Ancient Israel
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Tue, 04/05/2021 - 13:01
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about Review: Hindy Najman, Jean-Sébastien Rey, Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar (eds.), Tracing Sapiential Traditions in Ancient Israel
Review: Matthew Goff, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Enrico Morano (eds.), Ancient Tales of Giants from Qumran and Turfan: Contexts, Traditions, and Influences
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Tue, 04/05/2021 - 12:54
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about Review: Matthew Goff, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Enrico Morano (eds.), Ancient Tales of Giants from Qumran and Turfan: Contexts, Traditions, and Influences
Review: Elisa Uusimäki, Turning Proverbs towards Torah: An Analysis of 4Q525
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Tue, 04/05/2021 - 12:48
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about Review: Elisa Uusimäki, Turning Proverbs towards Torah: An Analysis of 4Q525
Review: Jason K. Driesbach, 4QSamuela and the Text of Samuel
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Tue, 04/05/2021 - 12:42
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about Review: Jason K. Driesbach, 4QSamuela and the Text of Samuel
Review: C. D. Elledge, Resurrection of the Dead in Early Judaism, 200 BCE–CE 200
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Tue, 04/05/2021 - 12:34
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about Review: C. D. Elledge, Resurrection of the Dead in Early Judaism, 200 BCE–CE 200
Review: Robert A. Kugler and Kyung S. Baek, Leviticus at Qumran
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Tue, 04/05/2021 - 12:20
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about Review: Robert A. Kugler and Kyung S. Baek, Leviticus at Qumran
Review: Simon J. Joseph, Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian Origins: New Light on Ancient Texts and Communities
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Tue, 04/05/2021 - 12:06
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about Review: Simon J. Joseph, Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian Origins: New Light on Ancient Texts and Communities
Review: Schriftgelehrte Fortschreibungen und Auslegungen im Alten Orient, in der Hebräischen Bibel und in Qumran. Rezensionsartikel zu Walter Bührer (Hg.), Schriftgelehrte Fortschreibungs- und Auslegungsprozesse
Submitted by
Shlomo Brand
on Sun, 02/05/2021 - 13:21
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about Review: Schriftgelehrte Fortschreibungen und Auslegungen im Alten Orient, in der Hebräischen Bibel und in Qumran. Rezensionsartikel zu Walter Bührer (Hg.), Schriftgelehrte Fortschreibungs- und Auslegungsprozesse
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