Noah’s Flood Calendar (Gen 7:10-8:19) in the Septuagint
It is proposed that the different dates and chronology in the sequence of events in the account of Noah's Flood in the Septugint (LXX) are dates in a calendar that can be reconstructed from the data. In the LXX the rains begin and the ark comes to rest on the 27th of the months in question. This differs from the Masoretic Text / Samaritan Pentatuch and the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q252 and 4Q254a) where these events take place on the 17th of the months concerned. In the LXX the mountain peaks appear in the 11th month and in MT/SP and 4Q252 the mountain tops are visible in the 10th month. This would be the case if the months were 27 days long. It is likely that this pericope circulated as an autonomous, yet, integrated textual witness in antiquity and that the different versions were known in Jewish circles.