Review: Otto Betz and Rainer Riesner, Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan: Klarstellungen; Otto Betz and Rainer Riesner, translated by John Bowden, Jesus, Qumran and the Vatican: Clarifications
Submitted by neill on Tue, 19/11/2013 - 15:15
Updated by:
Neill Brown
Research notes:
not Checked
rnb 19/11/2013
Reference type:
Journal Article
Talmon, Shemaryahu
Full title:
Review: Otto Betz and Rainer Riesner, Jesus, Qumran und der Vatikan: Klarstellungen; Otto Betz and Rainer Riesner, translated by John Bowden, Jesus, Qumran and the Vatican: Clarifications