Narrative World, Rhetorical Logic, and the Voice of the Author in 4 Ezra

Updated by: 
Oren Ableman
Research notes: 
Reader Checked OA 23/03/2014 hw/28/07/2013/not checked
Reference type: 
Journal Article
Stewart, Alexander E.
Full title: 

Narrative World, Rhetorical Logic, and the Voice of the Author in 4 Ezra

Journal / Book Title || Series Title: 
Journal of Biblical Literature
Issue / Series Volume: 
Abbreviated Series Name: 

The relationship between the dialogues in the first three episodes of 4 Ezra and the visions and epilogue in the closing four episodes has challenged scholars for over a century. The inconclusiveness of the dialogues (episodes 1-3) along with the apparently different emphases in the visions and epilogue (episodes 4-7) has made it difficult for scholars to agree on the actual author's position. Who does the author want the reader to agree with: Ezra, Uriel, neither, or some combination of both? This article seeks to address these problems from a fresh perspective by studying the foundational narratives appealed to and presupposed in the worldviews of Ezra and Uriel in the dialogues, and by the visions in the second half of 4 Ezra. A concluding section will explore the answers provided by the author of 4 Ezra to the two dominant problems he raises in the book (the one/many, and many/few) and will reflect on the rhetorical force of the book, the voice of the author, and the purpose of 4 Ezra. The narrative frame and flow of 4 Ezra solidly root the author's own convictions and theology in episodes 4 through 7. The author's primary purpose for the book is to renew Israel's faith in its covenant-keeping God and motivate the people to pursue righteousness through obedience to the law in the absence of a functioning temple.

Record number: 
19 329