L'ouverture des cieux dans le Livre d'Hénoch
In the prophetic and apocalyptic literature and the first Christian texts, 'the opening of heavens' announces God's manifestation. It implies a mediator — a patriarch or a prophet. God appears to him on Earth (Ezekiel 1,1) or in Heavens (Revelation 4,1) — the prophet is then raised up to the sky. In the Book of Enoch, the rise of the patriarch along with some Righteous enables to overcome this mediation crisis. In the Book of the Watchers, the angels are the mediators between God and Men. They cross the heavenly doors, but some of them desert to unite with women. The creation has been durably corrupted, the mediation has been broken. Any divine manifestation on Earth is forbidden. Meanwhile, Enoch is raised up to the sky. He is regarded as an angel and intercedes to God (1 Enoch 6-16). In the Book of Parables, he is joined by the righteous (1 Enoch 39). Little by little, a part of the mankind fills in the space left vacant by the fallen angels. Then God hears the prayer of the righteous. The Judgment has been started (1 Enoch 47). The Chosen One Son of Man comes down from Heaven to purify the Creation. Being of human nature and still superior to the archangels, he enables God's manifestation on Earth.