לתקנת המהדורות של מגילות מדבר יהודה א: תיקונים לשנים עשר קטעים שונים
The readings and reconstructions provided in the existing editions of the Dead Sea Scrolls are not always satisfactory. Effort should be invested in the production of improved editions, which can then serve as a more solid basis for research. Some re-edited passages are provided here in demonstration of this point. For example: 4Q525 frg. 15 concerns the house of the vile woman mentioned in Prov. 2:17–19. It is depicted as a deadly trap. The editor misunderstood the nature of 4Q525 and of this fragment in particular. In line 3 he reads [ובחלח[ל]ה ידולל פתן בעליו[ן, whereas I suggest reading [ובחלו[ניו] ידולל פתן בעליו[תיו 'A snake crawls in its windows; in its upper rooms...' (the suffixes refer to the house).