'The Learned Savant who Guards the Secrets of the Great Gods': Evolution of the Roles and Titles of the Seventh Antidiluvian Hero in Mesopotamian and Enochic Traditions. Part I: Mesopotamian Traditions
Submitted by admin on Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44
Research notes:
Reference type:
Book section
Orlov, Andrei A.
Full title:
'The Learned Savant who Guards the Secrets of the Great Gods': Evolution of the Roles and Titles of the Seventh Antidiluvian Hero in Mesopotamian and Enochic Traditions. Part I: Mesopotamian Traditions
Translated title:
Journal / Book Title || Series Title:
Varia Aethiopica: In Memory of Sevir B. Chernetsov (1943-2005)