Einige Beobachtungen zum Juda der Perserzeit in der Darstellung des Josephus, Antiquitates Buch 11
For Josephus 3 Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther are the main sources for the history of the Persian era. His description of the final phase of the Persian domination focuses on three major incidents: the fratricide in the temple and the intervention of Bagoses; the foundation of the Gerizim Temple, which originated in an innerJudean conflict and Alexander’s visit of Jerusalem. This material, as well as the account of the transition of the empire to the Macedonians, is structured on the basis of historical knowledge of the Persian period derived from Greek sources. The major themes of Josephus’ account are: (1) a close political and religious relationship with the Persian kings; (2) conflicts with the surrounding nations (most prominently with the Samaritans), while maintaining a strong loyalty to the Persians; and (3) united political actions of the Judeans under the leadership of figures like Zerubbabel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Mordecai. Only in the last phase of Persian rule does this unity break down. In many respects the epoch is a prototype of the behavior of Judeans and Jews in relation to the dominant world power in later periods.