היחס בין כתב יד א לכתב יד ב של ברית דמשק לאור הפשרים שבהם
Literary comparison of parallel passages was utilized as a tool for determining the precise relationship between the two Damascus Document Genizah manuscripts (A and B). Because the principal divergence between the parallel formulations lies chiefly in the pesharim units, the comparison focuses on their role in each manuscript. Examination of the pesher units demonstrates that MS B is the complete and consequential one. Its pesher units are interconnected and follow a common exegetical thread. Linking the pesharim on Zech. 13:7 and 11:11 and Ezek. 9:4 is an analogical exegesis explaining the false faith of "those who despise the laws". In addition, the symmetrical structure of its two parts (CD 19:5–13 and 19:13–26) exposes an analogy between "those who despise the laws" and the traitors "who enter his covenant and do not hold fast", and makes the two-phase punishment clear. In contrast, MS A displays no correspondence between the pesher units and the literary framework into which they are woven. The framework deals with "those who despise the laws" whereas the pesharim in this manuscript address three different subjects: the schism in the community, the exile to Damascus, and the rise of the Prince of the Congregation. Moreover, the various terms employed by MS A are not clarified by the literary context but are, in fact, dependent on MS B. In the light of these findings it appears that MS B is the earlier version, whereas MS A took shape by replacing the original pesher unit with another one, leaving the existing literary framework intact.