Il vocabolario della conoscenza nel testo greco del Libro dei Vigilant . Per una definizione del Sitz im Leben della versione greca di 1Enoc
In this study the Author suggests the possibility that the «translation» of the Book of Watchers be an expression of Diaspora Judaism. The translation in the Greek language of the original Aramaic involves conforming to a cultural situation in which Judaism and «classical» culture «live together». This conforming is particularly evident in the «vocabulary of knowledge»: the addressees of the translation are not only alert readers of the LXX, but they also know the «classical culture»; in the Hellenistic schools they study the «pagan» culture and, together with the Bible, read Homer, Plato and so on. The Jews of the Diaspora are also acquainted with the religious forms of Hellenistic culture; in this case, however, in spite of using the same language, they maintain their own specificity. The Greek Book of Watchers is an expression of an Enochic and/or Essenic group which translates its own basic text for another group that lives within the «Hellenistic» world.