Analyse der Struktur des masoretischen und nicht-masoretischen Danielbuches (MT-Dan und LXX967-Dan) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zeitangaben
This article focuses on the different structures of the main variant literary editions of Daniel (MT-Dan and LXX967-Dan). In MT-Dan, the text moves from the story about Daniel (Dan 1–6) to Daniel’s extensive reports about his dreams and visions (Dan 7–12), thus making the voice of Daniel the dominant one in the book. The textual sequence of the edition represented by LXX967-Dan differs significantly, since chapters 7–8 are placed behind chapter 4. Furthermore, this edition includes several additions (as BelDrag, Sus and an epilogue). In this edition, chronology is the prominent organizing principle of the text (at least with regard to the main chapters 1–12). Consequently, the dominant voice throughout the book is the voice of the book narrator. Whereas MT-Dan may be described as the book of Daniel, LXX967-Dan appears as a biographic book about Daniel, which should primarily serve, according to the epilogue, as an instruction for the youth in the Jewish Diaspora.