Critique textuelle et traduction du treizième Psaume de Salomon
The aim of this article is to analyse Pss. Sol. 13, an intertestamentary text that deals with the question of divine punishment inflicted both on righteous and wicked. In order to better understand the exact message of the text, it is necessary to studyin detail the relationship between its ancient witnesses, especially the eleven Greek and five Syriac manuscripts, the original Hebrew text not being available. As amatter of principle, it can be argued that the Syriac version depends either on theHebrew or on the Greek text. However, a thorough study of the differences between these manuscripts leads to the conclusion that the Syriac version probably depends on the Greek text. In the absence of other witnesses the Greek text remains the only reliable version. At the end of the article, a French translation isoffered, followed by some exegetical remarks.