The Movement of Ezekiel’s “Living Beings” in 4Q405 Shirot ‘Olat Hashabbat. Part II: The Twelfth Song
In this article descriptions of angelic movement in the Twelfth Song are compared to descriptions of such activity arising from the throne of God in Ezekiel’s vision in Ezekiel 1 and 10, and to that in the Seventh Song as contained in scroll 4Q403. The penultimate Twelfth Song of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice culminates in a more explicit description of angelic messenger activity and in other nuances. The Twelfth Song was intended to be read on the Sabbath immediately following Shavu’ot, when the traditional synagogue reading is Ezekiel 1 and Exodus 19–20. The possible significance for the author of Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice of the connection between the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai and Ezekiel’s vision where merkebah thrones and seats appear in the plural form is considered in the conclusion.