Postać Dawida w hebrajskiej wersji Psalmu 151 (11Q5)
Until the discovery of Qumran scrolls, Psalm 151 was known only through its Greek and Latin versions that make part of the Book of Psalms in the Septuagint and Vulgate respectively. A Syriac translation included in the Apocryphal Psalms of the Syriac collection from the 10th century was also known. In 1965 James Sanders published the Psalm Scroll, a collection of mostly Hebrew Masoretic psalms found in Qumran Cave 11, together with the Hebrew text of Ps 151 that makes part of the scroll. This article focuses on the figure of David depicted in Psalm 151 which in the poetic form retells the story of the son of Jesse found in 1 Samuel, chapters 16 and 17. The article is divided into two parts. In the first one, we describe the scroll and give a general overview of the scholarly discussion concerning the psalm. The second part contains the Hebrew text of Psalm 151 and its Polish translation together with the linguistic, syntactical and theological analyses followed by a brief summing up.