פולמוס הכיתות בימי בית שני והאסכולות הכהניות שבתורה: שאלת שיתוף העם בעבודת המקדש במועדים
Jewish sects of the Second Temple period argued about popular participation in the Temple worship during the festivals. This controversy is recorded in rabbinic literature. The Pharisee halakhic tradition held that every effort be made to involve the people in the festival worship, but the Sadducees and Boethusian opinion was opposed to such participation. In light of this controversy we may better understand several hitherto misunderstood verses in the Qumranic 'Temple Scroll'. Finally, the possibility is raised that the sectarian differences of the Second Temple period are at the roots of the dispute between two biblical priestly schools: the 'Priestly Torah' (P) and the 'Holiness School' (H).