"לתולדות כת היחד" - שלוש הערות
1. DSH, col. IV, 10–13 should be understood as follows: "This means the governors of the Kitti'im, in whose corporation (= 'etzah, as always in DSS) of their sinful house (= the Roman Senate) they recall their governors one on account of the other. One after the other came to destroy the country." According to this, the 'governors' are none other than the Proconsuls, who were appointed by the Senate. 2. There is no need to assume that the author of DSH had before him various readings in the text of Habaquq. Col. IV, 9: 'וישם' is really the same as 'ויאשם' of the Masoretic Text. For the elliption of the Aleph examples are brought from DSH, DSIa and DSD. 3. DSW as one of the books of the Sect cannot be an appraisal of the Maccabean wars, if the Sect was really anti-Maccabean. There can scarcely be any doubt about its entirely apocalyptic character. That the "Sons of the Light" are the Sectarians themselves follows clearly from various places in DSD.