אשר-Zitateinleitungssätze in Jeremia und 1QM. Anmerkungen zu 1QM 10:6, zu der hebräischen Vorlage von LXX-Jer 26:13; 49:19 sowie zu MT-Jer 14:1; 46:1; 47:1; 49:34
In MT-Jer there are four cases of a peculiar אשר clause, which seems to be syntactically isolated (MT-Jer 14:1; 46:2; 47:1 und 49:34). However, the existence of three similar cases has been hitherto overlooked (two in the supposed Hebrew Vorlage of the LXX-Jer and one in 1QM). In this paper, we shall argue that the function of this אשר clause is to introduce a quotation. In syntactical terms, the relative clause is the predicate and the quotation the subject of a nominal clause.