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Titlesort descending Author Last update
Review: Sidnie White Crawford, Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times (Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature) admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44
Review: Sidnie White Crawford, Cecilia Wassen, The Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran and the Concept of a Library Oz Tamir Sun, 15/03/2020 - 15:49
Review: Sidnie White Crawford, Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times hannah Sun, 24/11/2013 - 09:55
Review: Sidnie White Crawford, Scribes and Scrolls at Qumran admin Sun, 03/12/2023 - 22:22
Review: Sidnie White Crawford, Scribes and Scrolls at Qumran Oz Tamir Thu, 11/06/2020 - 11:31
Review: Sidnie White Crawford, Scribes and Scrolls at Qumran Shlomo Brand Thu, 25/11/2021 - 13:11
Review: Sidnie White Crawford, The Text of the Pentateuch: Textual Criticism and the Dead Sea Scrolls Shlomo Brand Mon, 29/01/2024 - 11:02
Review: Sidnie White Crawford, The Text of the Pentateuch: Textual Criticism and the Dead Sea Scrolls Shlomo Brand Thu, 18/05/2023 - 14:59
Review: Siegfried Ostermann, Die Münzen der Hasmonäer - Ein kritischer Bericht zur Systematik und Chronologie admin Wed, 30/07/2014 - 16:14
Review: Sigmund Mowinckel, He That Cometh: The Messiah Concept in the Old Testament and Later Judaism admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 12:06
Review: Sigmund Mowinckel, He That Cometh: The Messiah Concept in the Old Testament and Later Judaism admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 12:43
Review: Simon Goldhill (ed.), The End of Dialogue in Antiquity admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44
Review: Simon J. Gathercole, Where is Boasting? Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul's Response in Romans 1-5 admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 12:06
Review: Simon J. Gathercole, Where is Boasting? Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul's Response in Romans 1-5 admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44
Review: Simon J. Joseph, Jesus, Q, and the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Judaic Approach to Q Neta Rozenblit Mon, 16/02/2015 - 09:30
Review: Simon J. Joseph, Jesus, Q, and the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Judaic Approach to Q Neta Rozenblit Wed, 08/07/2015 - 09:52
Review: Simon J. Joseph, Jesus, Q, and the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Judaic Approach to Q Neta Rozenblit Wed, 08/07/2015 - 10:42
Review: Simon J. Joseph, Jesus, Q, and the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Judaic Approach to Q Neta Rozenblit Mon, 01/06/2015 - 12:39
Review: Simon J. Joseph, Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian Origins: New Light on Ancient Texts and Communities Oz Tamir Tue, 28/07/2020 - 12:40
Review: Simon J. Joseph, Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian Origins: New Light on Ancient Texts and Communities Shlomo Brand Thu, 10/06/2021 - 12:16
Review: Simon J. Joseph, The Nonviolent Messiah: Jesus, Q, and the Enochic Tradition Neta Rozenblit Wed, 10/06/2015 - 08:49
Review: Simon J. Joseph, The Nonviolent Messiah: Jesus, Q, and the Enochic Tradition Shiran Shevah Mon, 01/01/2024 - 14:03
Review: Simon Légasse, Naissance du baptême admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44
Review: Simon Mimouni, La circoncision dans le monde judéen aux époques grecque et romaine: Histoire d'un conflict interne au judaïsme admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 21:44
Review: Simon Szyszman, Le Karaïsme: Ses doctrines et son histoire neill Thu, 28/07/2022 - 10:32
Review: Simone Paganini, 'Nicht darfst du zu diesen Wörtern etwas hinzufügen': Die Rezeption des Deuteronomiums in der Tempelrolle: Sprache, Autoren und Hermeneutik admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 21:44
Review: Simone Paganini, “Nicht darfst du zu diesen Wörtern etwas hinzufügen”: Die Rezeption des Deuteronomiums in der Tempelrolle: Sprache, Autoren, Hermeneutik admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 12:06
Review: Simone Paganini, ' Nicht darfst du zu diesen Wortern etwas hinzufugen': Die Rezeption des Deuteronomiums in der Tempelrolle: Sprache, Autoren und Hermeneutik admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 21:44
Review: Sirach and Its Contexts: The Pursuit of Wisdom and Human Flourishing, edited by Samuel L. Adams, Greg Schmidt Goering, and Matthew Goff Shlomo Brand Thu, 07/10/2021 - 12:53
Review: Spätjüdisch-häretischer und frühchristlicher Radikalismus, Jesus von Nazareth und die essenische Qumransekte, Erster Band: Das Spätjudentum; Zweiter Band: Die Synoptiker by Herbert Braun, Gerhard Ebeling Gu Nanjun Sat, 30/03/2019 - 12:21
Review: Special Issue of Filomata 429-430 (1995): Zdzislaw Jan Kapera, ed., Rekopisy znad Morza Martwego: Qumranskie kontrowersje z lat 1991-1994 admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44
Review: Special Issue of Filomata 410 (1992): Rękopisy z Qumran. III. Kronika odkryć i wybór tekstów, by Zdzislaw Jan Kapera (ed.) Ioana Bujor Tue, 26/02/2019 - 14:08
Review: Stanley E. Porter and Craig A. Evans, eds., The Scrolls and the Scriptures: Qumran Fifty Years After admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44
Review: Stanley E. Porter and Craig A. Evans, eds., The Scrolls and the Scriptures: Qumran Fifty Years After admin Sun, 20/01/2019 - 11:02
Review: Stanley E. Porter and Craig A. Evans, eds., The Scrolls and the Scriptures: Qumran Fifty Years After admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44
Review: Stanley E. Porter and Craig A. Evans., eds., The Scrolls and the Scriptures: Qumran Fifty Years After admin Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44
