Biblical Proof-Texts in Qumran Literature |
admin |
Sun, 20/01/2019 - 10:42 |
Biblical Prophecy and the Fate of the Nations in Early Jewish and Christian Interpretations of Isaiah |
Shlomo Brand |
Thu, 28/07/2022 - 12:55 |
Biblical Pseudepigrapha in Slavonic Tradition
Shiran Shevah |
Mon, 30/01/2017 - 12:07 |
Biblical Punctuation and Chant in the Second Temple Period |
Dimitra Tongkelidou |
Sun, 31/03/2024 - 12:05 |
Biblical Quotation and Editorial Function in Pseudo-Philo's Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum |
Paula Rem |
Thu, 12/12/2019 - 11:28 |
Biblical Quotations and Allusions in 4QApocryphal Lamentations (4Q179) |
admin |
Wed, 27/11/2013 - 14:18 |
Biblical Quotations and Allusions in Second Temple Jewish Literature |
admin |
Tue, 22/12/2015 - 11:18 |
Biblical Quotations in the Community Rule |
admin |
Wed, 27/11/2013 - 14:15 |
Biblical Quotations in the Pesharim and the Text of the Bible - Methodological Considerations |
admin |
Wed, 27/11/2013 - 14:01 |
Biblical Responses: Past and Present Retellings of the Enigmatic Mrs. Job |
admin |
Wed, 17/07/2013 - 13:29 |
Biblical Scholarship and Qumran Studies |
Shiran Shevah |
Fri, 30/11/2018 - 19:31 |
Biblical Scrolls from Nahal Hever and 'Wadi Seiyal': Introduction |
Hanan |
Sun, 21/09/2014 - 15:54 |
Biblical Scrolls in Their Depositional Contexts: Psalms as a Case Study |
Oz Tamir |
Sun, 05/07/2020 - 11:28 |
Biblical Scrolls Scholarship in North America |
admin |
Mon, 15/07/2013 - 12:06 |
Biblical Studies and the Dead Sea Scrolls 1947-1987 Retrospects and Prospects |
Matheus Grillo |
Sun, 06/01/2019 - 15:04 |
Biblical Texts as Reworked in Some Qumran Manuscripts with Special Attention to 4QRP and 4QParaGen-Exod |
Eun Chong Kim |
Sat, 16/11/2019 - 12:36 |
Biblical Texts in Jewish Prayers: Their History and Function |
admin |
Thu, 19/06/2014 - 16:45 |
Biblical Traditions in Transmission: Essays in Honour of Michael A. Knibb |
admin |
Wed, 19/03/2014 - 10:44 |
Biblical Views: Insertions in the Great Isaiah Scroll |
admin |
Mon, 15/07/2013 - 21:44 |
Biblical Views: Where Are the Scribes in the Dead Sea Scrolls? |
Shiran Shevah |
Wed, 13/06/2018 - 13:51 |
Biblical Warfare Legislation in the War Scroll (1QM VII:1‒7 and X:1‒8) |
Michal Drori Elmalem |
Wed, 09/12/2015 - 15:55 |
Biblical Waṣfs Beyond Song of Songs |
admin |
Thu, 22/08/2013 - 15:25 |
Biblical Women's Names in the Apocryphal Traditions |
Paula Rem |
Wed, 18/12/2019 - 14:52 |
Biblicized Narrative: On Tobit and Genesis 22 |
admin |
Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44 |
Bibliografia zawartości 'Euhemera-Przegladu Religionznawczego' za lata 1957-1978 (Nr 1- 110) w ukladzie systematycznym |
Min Woo Nam |
Thu, 16/12/2021 - 12:55 |
Bibliografie Samaritaine |
Bruce |
Mon, 05/02/2024 - 11:22 |
Bibliographical Updates 1951-2010 |
admin |
Mon, 21/10/2013 - 12:36 |
Bibliographie |
neill |
Wed, 18/06/2014 - 11:33 |
Bibliographie : regular feature. |
neill |
Wed, 05/03/2014 - 11:51 |
Bibliographie Claus-Hunno Hunzinger |
Shlomo Brand |
Thu, 16/12/2021 - 14:01 |
Bibliographie de M l'Abbé Jean Carmignac.
neill |
Mon, 23/02/2015 - 14:14 |
Bibliographie de Maurice Baillet |
admin |
Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44 |
Bibliographie des recherches hongroises sur les manuscrits de la Mer Morte |
Fantahun Melaku |
Sun, 15/01/2023 - 15:41 |
Bibliographie Qumrânienne de Józef Tadeusz Milik |
admin |
Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44 |
Bibliographie von Prof. Dr. Dr. Hartmut Stegemann 1956-1998 |
admin |
Mon, 15/07/2013 - 01:44 |
Bibliographie zu Ben Sira |
admin |
Mon, 15/07/2013 - 21:44 |