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Title Author Last updatesort descending
CRUCIFIXION: Archaeology, Jesus, and the Dead Sea Scrolls admin Mon, 18/11/2013 - 11:48
Czy Statuty Królewskie (11QTemple) zawierają aluzje historyczne? admin Sun, 24/11/2013 - 09:43
Characterization of the Writing Media of the Dead Sea Scrolls admin Sun, 24/11/2013 - 09:50
Creation Imagry in Qumran Hymns and Prayers admin Tue, 03/12/2013 - 14:36
Covenant and Biblical Interpretation in Jubilees 6 admin Thu, 05/12/2013 - 15:39
Conjecture sur la première ligne de la Règle de la Communauté neill Tue, 10/12/2013 - 15:40
Customs and Controversies: Intertestamental Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament admin Wed, 11/12/2013 - 10:31
Conjecture sur la première ligne de la Règle de la Communauté neill Wed, 11/12/2013 - 13:32
Concordance hébraique de la Règle de la Guerre neill Thu, 19/12/2013 - 15:11
Cinq nouveaux psaumes esséniens? neill Thu, 19/12/2013 - 15:16
Concordance de 1 Q Genesis Apocryphon neill Thu, 19/12/2013 - 15:21
Comparison entre les manuscrits « A » et « B » du Document de Damas neill Thu, 19/12/2013 - 15:35
Chronological sequence of the scrolls of Qumran Cave One. neill Thu, 19/12/2013 - 16:00
Caves, Documents, Women: Archives and Archivists admin Thu, 19/12/2013 - 17:38
Chronological Calculations and Messianic Expectations in Apocryphon of Jeremiah D (4Q390) admin Mon, 23/12/2013 - 15:35
Considerations on Canon and the Dead Sea Scrolls admin Mon, 23/12/2013 - 16:48
Comparison between the Massoretic and the Qumran texts of Nahum 3:1-11. neill Tue, 24/12/2013 - 15:37
Clause structure in the prose documents of Qumran cave I. neill Tue, 24/12/2013 - 16:03
Comment Jésus et ses contemporains pouvaient-ils célébrer la Pâque a une date non officielle. neill Tue, 24/12/2013 - 16:06
CHBR and N'MN. neill Tue, 24/12/2013 - 16:13
Conjecture sur la Règle de la communauté, X, 2. neill Wed, 25/12/2013 - 13:11
Concept of Sabbath at Qumran. neill Wed, 25/12/2013 - 13:42
Can we exclude Samaritan influence from Qumran. neill Wed, 25/12/2013 - 13:58
Covenant in the Qumran Literature admin Sun, 29/12/2013 - 20:17
Christ among the Messiahs: Christ Language in Paul and Messiah Language in Ancient Judaism admin Mon, 30/12/2013 - 14:22
Can We Read a Historical Text as a Musical Score? A New Approach to Polyphony and Simultaneity in 1 Maccabees Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 30/12/2013 - 17:29
Chiasmus and the translation of I Q Hodayot VII:26-27. neill Tue, 31/12/2013 - 13:20
Covenant and Cosmos in Wisdom of Solomon 10-19 admin Thu, 02/01/2014 - 15:31
Confocal Laser Scanning and the Dead Sea Scrolls admin Thu, 02/01/2014 - 17:07
Computer Aided Text-reconstruction and Transcription (CATT) developed with the Dead Sea Scrolls. Ki-Eun Sun, 05/01/2014 - 11:32
Caves of Enlightenment: Proceedings of the American Schools of Oriental Research Dead Sea Scrolls Jubilee Symposium (1947-1997) admin Wed, 15/01/2014 - 10:22
Critical Reflections on the Odes of Solomon: Literary Settings, Textual Studies, Gnosticism, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gospel of John admin Wed, 15/01/2014 - 10:25
Canons and the Dead Sea Scrolls admin Wed, 15/01/2014 - 12:39
Constituent Order in היה -Clauses in the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls admin Sat, 18/01/2014 - 21:55
Could Aseneth be Samaritan? admin Sun, 19/01/2014 - 17:14
Communities of the Last Days: The Dead Sea Scrolls, The New Testament and The Story of Israel admin Mon, 20/01/2014 - 12:04
